I often hear the people said that Batak like angry , not friendly, talk active and not care about others people. In fact after nearly 3 years in Yogyakarta, I found that the assumption was not entirely true ... WHy??????
At least, that's what I see and I feel...... In college, I have many friends who come from different tribes/ places. There is a Javanese, Dayak, China, Manado, Toraja, Papua, NTT, Batak but there is no Caucasian....
If I saw her, she is a firm and talkactive girl but her attitude and character`s is not suitable when compared with what the people said.
She is actually very good, She is talk active but for something positive, firm also for the positive things, and she also care about the others people ...
she's very friendly and kind ....
We often do stereotype to a group/ nation/ peoples. What is a stereotype?????
According to Meriam-Webster Dictionary Online, the stereotype is "a standardized mental picture held in common That Is by members of a group and That represents an oversimplified opinion, prejudiced attitude, or uncritical judgments."
How often do we hear or said that, "ah the peoples in tribe A are lazy. Nation B is evil. The peoples in C town are cunning and the others negative opinion for another peoples. In fact is not true. Surely there are peoples who have good behavior, not as our negative think.
So, from now let's look someone more objectively, Without negatif prejudice.
YoU Wanna?.......
Great comments and a well-ordered piece of writing. Keep it up!