Bengawan Solo
Riwayatmu ini
Sedari dulu jadi...
Perhatian insani
Musim kemarau
Tak seberapa airmu
Dimusim hujan air..
Meluap sampai jauh
Mata airmu dari Solo
Terkurung gunung seribu
Air meluap sampai jauh
Dan akhirnya ke laut
Itu perahu
Riwayatnya dulu
Kaum pedagang selalu...
Naik itu perahu
This song was written by Gesang in 1940 when he was 23 years old. Gesang known as the "maestro keroncong of Indonesia,". he becamepopular through this song, which is famous in Asia, particularly in Indonesia and Japan. At that time he was sitting on the edge of bengawan solo river and he was amazed by these rivers. This admiration inspiring Gesang to write this song.
This song tells about the beauty of bengawan solo river that filled with sweet memories. After the second world war ended, the Japanese soldier returning to their country and introducing this song there. This song eventually became very popular song after sung by one of several Japanese singer especially Toshi Matsuda.
I think this song is one of the best and the most popular song in Indonesia. The song ' Bengawan Solo' has been translated into at least 13 languages (including English, Chinese, and Japanese). This song has become soundtract movies japanese "Stray Dog / Nora Inu". I believe most people in Indonesia know this song and that is why I choose this song as a traditional song popular in Indonesia.
This song reflects on the beauty of Indonesia in the past. This song has a message to defend the values of Indonesian culture and to keep this beautiful state remains as when Gesang wrote this song.
Bengawan Solo in english version
Solo River
Solo River
Thus your chronicles
Have been since earliest times
Of sentient attention
In the dry season
Your water is not much
In the rainy season, wate
Spills reaching far distances
Your water springs forth from Solo
Surrounded by a thousand mountain
Water flows to reach far distances
Eventually to the sea
That boat
In your past chronicles
The merchant folks had always
Sailed in such boats
Bengawan Solo in japan version
変わらぬは ソロの流れ
kawaranu ha Solo no nagare
いわれを秘めて 今日も流れる
iware wo himete kyou mo nagareru
乾燥期(かれどき)は 水は乾けど
karedoki ha mizu kawakedo
雨期は豊か に あふれ流れる
uki ha yutaka ni afure nagareru
緑の深山(みやま)に 囲まれ た水上(みなかみ)
midori no miyama ni kakomareta minakami
流れて終(つ)いには 海に そそぐ
nagarete tui ni ha umi ni sosogu
過ぎし日 を 語るように
sugisi hi wo kataru you ni
商いの舟 今日も漕ぎ行く
akinai no fune kyou mo kogi yuku
source : grup Pecinta Drama Jepang di Facebook (!/group.php?gid=75053469124)
Good job, you have researched well for this : )